Energy. Any hard-working, productive society needs energy, lots of it. And it must be relatively cheap and dependable. America has been foolish to wait this long to gain energy independence. We should be researching new sources, drilling, fracking, piping, and inventing our guts out until we are free from dependence on our nation’s enemies for daily necessities. This is a national security issue as well as an economic issue. Yes, we need to take care of our environment, but national security comes first. We’re getting better at preventing environmental catastrophes such as with the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska, and we’ll have fewer yet such spills when we stop shipping our oil from half-way around the world. Oil, gas, and coal may not be renewable, but hydroelectric is and should be supported. By the time our oil, gas, and coal run out, we will have invented better alternates anyway. Solar, wind, and biofuels are nice, but may never become economically feasible until the government steps out of the way to let them compete on the open market. Nuclear energy is the most promising, now that we have solved most of the safety problems. Now all we need is a way to fire the spent nuclear waste into the sun.

Democrats hate cheap and dependable energy, as it empowers the people. They have worked hard to block oil and gas drilling, to shut down coal electric plants with impossible regulations, to prevent oil fracking, to block oil pipelines, to tear down hydroelectric dams, and to do everything they could to increase the cost of energy in America. Their claim is that solar, wind, and biofuels can take up the slack, but even they are not that stupid. They have an agenda, They want America to become a weak, third-world socialist state like Greece. If they can make energy expensive enough and our national debt big enough, they may succeed.

Debt. Speaking of our national debt, ours is rapidly approaching 17 trillion dollars. That is worse than insane, it is criminal. If I were president, I would take immediate and drastic steps to start paying down that debt. This would include declaring bankruptcy, eliminating most federal departments, firing most government bureaucrats, reducing the salaries of any remaining workers (my own included), re-negotiating medical benefits and retirement packages (you can do that when you declare bankruptcy), transferring most federal functions back to the states and privatizing those that can’t be transferred, going to a flat tax and eliminating the IRS, halting all foreign aid, corporate welfare, subsidies, and federal grants, selling off federal land to the States, and authorizing oil drilling, logging, and recreational uses of other public lands to gain revenue. I would focus my resources on paying down the debt, and withhold congressional salaries for bad behavior until it was paid (the 27th Amendment notwithstanding). I would fire any judge who tried to stop me, again for bad behavior. Running up an impossible debt like that is the epitome of bad behavior. Finally, I would insist on a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution, and levy fines on the senators who failed to submit a budget each year as the law requires.

 Democrats? They are quite happy with a 17 trillion dollar debt. They intend to ensure that it climbs past 25 trillion in the next few years. They despise honest budgets and have no plan to pay down the debt, as they have no intention of paying down the debt, ever. That is a cornerstone in their plan to fundamentally transform America into a weak, third-world socialist nation. They do want higher taxes, but not to pay down the debt. For Democrats, tax revenue is just a tool to increase their power and further their agenda. When the excessive debt burden enslaves the people, so much the better. And as for the thuggish IRS – Democrats use it to threaten and harass their political opponents just like they use the complex tax code to burden honest workers and job creators.



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