Welfare. State and local governments of course must have the freedom to set up welfare programs, preferably in concert with the private sector (churches and hospitals), to provide a safety net for those who have fallen on hard times through no fault of their own. This is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, and if people decide to use their local government to aid the poor that is their right. Most of us would vote for taxes to help those who truly need assistance. That said, I believe first, that our federal government has no authority to grant any kind of welfare, personal, national, or foreign. That includes foreign aid, corporate welfare, farm subsidies, state kickbacks, and other kinds of bribery. That is not one of the enumerated powers granted it by our Constitution. Second, charity is not true charity if it is forced. Taking money from one who earned it to give it to one who did not earn it is still theft. Third, any valid welfare program must have a time limitation and a work requirement for those actually capable of working. The Christian principle here is, “If anyone will not work, neither let him eat.” (2 Thes 3:10) Fourth, welfare must be managed at the local level. The people involved must see the faces of those they are helping. That is the only way to reduce abusers from gaming the system. And fifth, people with self-destructive behavior must not be rewarded for their bad behavior. For a drunk to live on welfare, or for an unwed mother to collect increasing benefits for each new illegitimate child, is flat wrong. And it is unkind for abusers as well. If they get hungry enough, they will change their self-destructive behavior. If they‘re incapable of changing (addicts or mentally incompetent), they should be hospitalized or institutionalized. I know that sounds heartless, but the only valid alternative is to let God correct their bad behavior, which brings us back to where I wish we had never left – the churches and caring Christians should be taking care of all welfare needs!

  Democrats routinely use welfare to buy votes. And they routinely try to shame Republicans for “not caring” about the poor by trying to put them back to work. But in fact it is the Democrats who don’t care. They work to create dependency and encourage bad behavior such as “free sex” and indulgent lifestyles, for the natural consequences of such behavior results in more Democrat votes. This ties in with their insistence on removing God and the Bible from public life, for God teaches us that our bodies are “a temple of God, and the Spirit of God dwells in you. If any man destroys the temple of God, God will destroy him, for the temple of God is holy, and that is what you are.” (1 Cor 3:16-17) There are consequences for bad behavior, and in trying to eliminate those consequences through welfare programs, Democrats are guilty of fighting against God. Yes, all men are created equal, but in trying to force the equality of outcomes in spite of self-destructive life choices, Democrats are denying a basic Scriptural principle. “Do not be deceived. God is not mocked. For whatever a man sows, that shall he also reap.” (Gal 6:7)

Education. I believe that education is the parent’s responsibility. The Federal Government has no Constitutional authority here. While I am not against public education, it must be managed at the local level, and it should not be a monopoly. Even poor parents must have the freedom to home-educate or to put their children into private schools, and all educational tax funds should follow the child. When all parents have free choice in their child’s education, they will become more involved and will pick better schools, thus failing public schools will either improve or go out of business. Do not try to tell me that the state is more interested in a child’s education than the parent, for God has deeply ingrained in parents the desire for the best for their children.

 Democrats claim to believe in “choice” but it is a lie. They actually only believe in choices that agree with their agenda, such as a mother’s right to kill her babies or a homosexual’s right to “marriage.” Educational choice, Democrats hate with a passion. They claim that some bureaucrat in Washington DC can make choices for your children better than you. They want Federal standards, which of course enforce their ideology. They must retain the monopoly of public education, as it is the only way they can conceal God, the Bible, and traditional morality from inquiring young minds. Besides, they have the support (and millions of dollars of campaign contributions) from the public school unions. This is in spite of the fact that both private schools and home education have been proven to be better for the children, at far less cost. Whenever you hear the Democrat mantra, “It’s for the children!”  know that it is not for the children. If they really cared about children they would protect them from abortionists and give their parents educational choice.



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